Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Short Film Treatment. Duh.

Boy suddenly appears on street. He had appeared out of thin air. Getting up, he is familiar with the surroundings. He had been placed in front of his house.
He looks around and isn’t noticed by anyone. He can’t make contact with them and his voice isn’t heard. His phone beeps.
Camera looks down at his phone. He’s received a message from an unknown number that informs him that he’s been given 10 minutes to reach the train tracks. All will be explained there. The train tracks are at least 15 minutes away. The boy dashes down the street.
As he runs, he doesn’t remember anything. How he got here, what he was doing, or where he even was before he arrived here. Running, one foot after the other, he tried to keep his mind clear.
He arrives at the train tracks, sweaty and exhausted. Out of nowhere, several hoodlums appear and ambush the boy. He’s in no mood to fight. As they close in, he’s pulled away by a mysterious figure.
“Dude, what are you doing? Do you want to lose or something?!?”
“Lose? Was this a game to him?”, the boy thought.
“Cmon, form a pact with me.” The stranger said. Suddenly, he takes his hand and the boy feels this rush of power flow through him.
The boy sits back in awe, as the partner takes out the hoodlums.
“Don’t just stand there! Help me!”
The boy gets up, and attempts to put up a fight against these men. It’s as if his punches are lethal blows to them, whereas 2 minutes ago he was nothing to them.
Many questions ran through his head. He fought until he could have his questions answered.
As he landed the final blow, the hoodlums vanished in a puff of purple smoke.
“Nice job. Heh, for an amateur.” Said the stranger. Amateur? Even more questions. At that moment, an ominous voice was heard overhead.
“Well done, all players have survived. You’re safe. For now.”
The screen suddenly shifts to blackness.
The boy appears in the middle of a bustling city. Same as the last day, he can’t remember how he got here. He just appeared. In a completely different venue, unfamiliar to him. There is a tall tower standing in the background. It triggers a painful flashback
He sees himself, at this very location. He sees himself with someone else, possibly a girl. It then flashes to a scene of his corpse on the street. A man runs past the corpse. He comes back to reality.
After this painful interruption, he finds his partner in the distance. His partner notices him staring and walks towards him. “Finally awake huh? Don’t worry, no mission yet.” The boy replies with, “woah woah woah, if i’m gonna keep working with you, you have to let me know what’s happenning. Where are we?  Who are we? What do we do?”
The partner takes a seat.
“We are players in a game. This game is run by reapers that manipulate this world for their own pleasure.”
“Why are we here?”
“Cause we’re dead.”
“Yeah, this game is our second chance at life. It explains why nobody else can interact with us. But however, it came with a price.”
“A price?”
“Yeah, your entry fee. The reapers had taken whatever was most valuable to you when you died. If you win their game, you get it back.”
“Why don’t i know any of this? I can’t even remember how i died.”
“Then obviously they took your memory. Duh.”
Their phones ring again. “Get to central park alive before 12. Winners will be declared.”
.Central park was several blocks away and they only had an hour. The two rushed down the street. It seemed unusually easy for the final mission.
They had spoke too soon. Before they knew it, reapers and henchmen seemed to be coming from every corner. With no way around them, they had to fight through the neverending reaper chain. The clock is shown at the bottom every so often to indicate their time left.
After pushing through the reaper waves, the two had reached central park. They check the time. It’s 12. Silence takes over. This silence is broken by the familiar ominous voice.
“Congratulations. You’re free.”

Screen flashes to white.
The boy awakens again back at the pagoda tower. He’s alone while he sits on the steps, remembering the entire reaper game experience. He’s approached by the same girl from the flashback. She gestures him to get up, which he does.
“You alright? It’s like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
He apologizes. As they’re about to head home, he suggests to take a different route, avoiding the death scene from his flashback. As they walk away, the boy’s old partner passes them in the opposite direction. They walk past each other. Screen fades to black.


  1. This Treatment was a little different. It had some really good concepts and reminded me of that Gamer movie starring Gerard Butler. It also reminded me of Infamous too a little bit. The way the boy was just appearing out of nowhere gives the rush in the film. It doesn't really use race against the clock well but he is running to go to his destinations to win the game. Some creative criticisms is that there is no real emotion into the film. You should use something to make the audience sympathetic to the main character. I did this too, well I think I did, and it just feels like he is some random boy with no characteristics. Overall this was a very creative piece and It would be a good choice to represent our Film.

  2. This story is interesting and with a few little changes, it would be easy to pull off. The story is easy to follow and the action scenes would be really cool. The only difficult thing would be finding all the different people who would show up, memorize all their lines, and be willing to act to the extent that they need to. I don't know many people that could do this without cracking up and smiling the whole time.

  3. Great story I just feel that it would be hard to accomplish in terms of time and shooting. Unfortunately it does not use themes from Tywker's film, which I had hoped that you would use. The is also no driving force to your film's plot. This lack of motivation is a lack of emotion. This lack of emotion has a lack of character, which makes us care about the protagonist, but in this case we do not. I did like the action scenes, and would like to include such interesting locations in our next film.
