Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trailer Review - Snow White and the Huntsman

1. In terms of narrative structure, this trailer does a good job in exploiting the narrative structure of the film. The trailer opens with a vague war scene, leaving the viewer to wonder what could cause such a battle. At this point, the trailer introduces and characterizes our antagonist, the evil queen. It is evident that her goal is to become the fairest of them all by eliminating those fairer than her. When the magic mirror introduces Snow White and the hired huntsman, the viewer can understand the concept and plot of the film. The narrative aspect of this film is simply achieved through the individual characterization and tying them together with other characters.

2. The cinematography in this trailer seems remarkable by using many vivid landscape shots and lighting techniques. Lighting is more noticeable during characterization scenes, whereas the landscape shots are used during filler shots, i.e. the battle scenes. In one shot, the shadow across the evil queens face suggests a dark, demeaning mood. This helps determine that she is the true antagonist. The wide shots capturing the
battle scenes are to allow the viewer to gain interest in the entirety of the battle. These battles were placed in the trailer to provide interest to the film, and promote that it isn't your ordinary tale of Snow White.

3. The editing of the trailer implements fast cuts during action scenes, and slower cuts during suspenseful scenes, to amaze and interest the viewer. The trailer starts off fast with a large raven flying towards the camera, which then caws to transform into many tiny ravens. This was done with CGI obviously, and it adds the edge to the film that may convince viewers that the trailer and movie could be "cool" or "awesome". The first battle scene with the armored knights is cut at a fast pace to keep up with the fast-paced action mood that has been set. However, when the evil queen is introduced, her shots slow down to allow the viewer to develop that emotional understanding and possible hatred for this character. 

4. The sound and backing audio for this trailer is that of any standard action suspense film. The beginning starts with subtle and settling music behind the visuals. The narration of the evil queen comes on, and the music slowly increases. We can hear the volume of certain events spike up when these short scenes come on. For instance, the impact and slaying of an armored knight during the first battle scene. When the evil queen 
is seen on screen, we hear a suspense crash at times. When she summons the mirror, the music gets more suspenseful and increases volume as well. We can hear the dramatic increase in volume after Snow White is introduced, to foreshadow that the suspenseful buildup may reveal its purpose within the next few scenes. While portraying the chase for Snow White, the music is definitely noticeable and will only go down when a character speaks. The intense music buildup is halted when the evil queen disperses into a murder of crows and the title appears on screen. The purpose is to enthrall and interest the viewer throughout the trailer.

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