Friday, March 2, 2012

Film Treatment

In the near future, America is at war. A new form of super soldier has been secretly incorporated into the military and possess the power to bend space and time. They’ve come to be known as Time Soldiers.

There is a dark room containing a table in the center with a single light hanging overhead. A document labeled “CLASSIFIED” is laid out on the table. Three suspicious but unidentified figures are seen on the sides of the table. Larger figure begins debriefing on close friend gone rogue. One figure outbursts and comes into the light, his face is visible. “This can’t be. He’s better than this.” he says. The leader replies, “War can do some crazy things to people.”

Flashback. The figure from the debriefing is donning light warfare apparel and charges to an unknown location with his troop. As they take cover, we see the rogue friend next to our soldier. They converse the mission plans, and storm an enemy base. Our soldier and friend synchronize with what seems to be ordinary watches. They look up at each other and nod. The space around them appears to warp and the two vanish.

The two reappear in an industrial area. They make their way towards a corridor, loading their weapons. Using some subliminal connection, the two work in perfect sync. They make their way through the warehouse, and fire on the enemies within.

As they clear out the area, they make their way to what is presumed to be the leader’s office. The door is open, and the boss is sitting down on his chair. The two have their backs against the doorway, they face each other and give a single nod. They vanish and reappear behind him, with their pistols pressed against the back of his head. (Boondock saints reference) They fire their guns and the boss is laid on his desk. Our soldier takes a briefcase laid on the desk and they both run outside. They lay it out on the floor and open it to reveal tons of money. The two celebrate and give each other a big bro hug.

Flashforward to debriefing. Man asks for mission details such as location as to where rogue soldier may be located, and why he poses as a threat. He explains how the rogue is plotting a mission to exploit and reveal the technology of the time soldiers to crime syndicate leaders on the black market who plan to sell it to America’s enemies. The debriefer reveals where the first transfer will take place, and that he should stop this at all costs.

Our soldier is seen watching over the location from a distant vantage point. He spots our rogue soldier approaching the destination right on time. We see our rogue approaching the location with a suspicious briefcase. Another man is present, awaiting the rogue’s arrival. He too has a briefcase in hand, and as they meet and shake hands, they exchange the suitcases and then proceed to walk in opposite directions.

The soldier chases the suspicious man down, rushing past him and retrieving the suitcase. The man turns around and angrily yells at our soldier as he runs away.

The soldier bumps into his rogue friend. Surprised as to why our soldier has the briefcase he had just departed with. The rogue receives serious verbal lashings from his former friend, as to why he would dare attempt such an action. Interrupting the moment, the man our soldier bumped into in the last scene returns with several of his armed men.

As if by instinct, the two turn towards each other. They utter combat language, e.g. 4 on the left, i’ll take the right flank, etc. The rogue demands the soldier opens his suitcase. We see his own watch sitting in the case. As he dons his watch, the two begin synchronizing them. They count down from 3, activate their watch, and vanish from sight once again.

The soldier pounces on one of the men from a nearby elevated platform, then proceeding to fist fight with the others. Simultaneously, the rogue attacks with ninja-like stealth and the two of them slowly bring down their numbers. When we’re left with the single boss, he cries and sprints in the opposite direction. The two look back at each other and smile. They end their day with another classic hug.


  1. I really like this treatment and it should be the basis for our final group treatment. The only critique that I have is that it seems rushed out at the end and lacks much of the dialogue that could have made the beginning part extremely great.

  2. I love this treatment as the incorporation of time and war helps the plot move forward. It is though out to the extreme for most of the treatment as I can see you have rushed that last part but it still remains well written. The plot is just perfect for a nice anti-war anti government film
