Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Psycho Commentary



16–20 There is a coherent and detailed analytical evaluative interpretation of the extract, displaying
a good understanding of how meaning is constructed through the use of film language and a
good awareness of the extract’s relationship to the film as a whole. There is a clear
explanation for the selection of the extract. The critique shows a good awareness of the film’s
genre, its place in a broader sociocultural context, and gives a sound analysis of the director’s
intention. There may be brief elements of description but analysis will be thorough.

I gave myself a 20 because my commentary is coherent and somewhat detailed in the analytic perspective. I was able to interpret much of the meaning behind what was in my extract, from the cinematography, to the editing, and role in narrative structure. However I didn't necessarily go in-depth into the different aspects, as they related to director's purpose and intention. There is broad mentioning of sociocultural aspects in Psycho. I also related genre to the historical context of the film's place in time as well, as how Psycho transformed the idea of horror films.


  1. Nice work Gino! Excellent background on the director and film that places it in the context of film history. Excellent choice of extract. You give a solid background to understanding how it connects to the larger narrative. Excellent use of film language... you sound so comfortable at times I feel like you could be reading????...nooooo... Nice work of discussing cinematography, lighting, and editing for dramatic intent in your extract. Nice mention of musical instruments but not the composer Bernard Herman?!? Excellent discussion of film's conventions and impact on genre.

  2. (Gino you did amazing!)
    Gino coneys excellent social cultural context, he explains how Psycho was new to an audience at this time due to the gorey aspects of the film. He mentioned that the inspiration of the film came from a novel about an actual murder case as well as Hitchcock using a previous psychological thriller as an influence . He shows clear understanding of the genre of the film and how it defined the sub genre of slasher films. Gino also discusses how his extract was a major turning point in the film and how mood drastically changed .He also does a very good job on discussing the relationship this extract has with the film. Gino mentions significant points in the film for example he relates darkness to both the physically and figuratively in the film. Gino also makes important analysis on characters as well as Hitchcock choosing the actor to play Norman Bates. Gino covers the importance of light and cinematography and how this affects the audience. Lastly Gino has an excellent closing statements on how the film was unique to horror films, he also gives a persuasive explanation for the selection of the extract.Overall this student has a very clear and understandable voice. His ideas are completely coherent. I gave his oral presentation an 25.
